Flagship Events 🚩

Science RXN

Science RXN is a two-day event geared toward incoming first-year science students to help them build community, meet new people, and integrate into university. The first day includes team-building games and activities and challenges, and RXN is finished off with a gala on the second day. Students will have the opportunity to participate in games and challenges with a chance to win big prizes! Students will also have the opportunity to participate in team-building activities in breakout rooms.

Science RXN EventScience RXN Event

Science Week

Science Week is a week-long event dedicated to science pride on campus. The week is filled with fun interactive games/activities, community-building events, and networking opportunities.

Science Week EventScience Week Event

Science Graduation

Science Graduation is an end-of-the-year event to celebrate the completion of another school year, but most importantly, to give a farewell party for all the graduating science students. The event offers food, alcoholic beverages, and most importantly, a good time!

Science Graduation Event